In Hawaiian my name means brave and fearless warrior but I'm not all that stuff. I'm just a normal kid who happens to be a descendant of Kapono, the great king of the former island Ahulani. Very few people still know of the island because of it's curse that caused it to sink down into the water. This all started with my great great great great great grandfather Kapono and his wife, Iaika. Iaika was the queen of Kono, otherwise known as the cursed island. The island Kono was known as the cursed island because the python people lived there. The python people were very nice until they got hypnotized by an evil man. Iaika cursed Kapono and his island expecting to take it over. In a horrible war with lots of bloodshed and gory, Kapono and the inhabitants managed to sink the island causing Ahulani to also sink and it never was bought up again. Legend says that Kapono is still roaming the nearby islands seeking revenge on Iaika and the python people. Anyway, back to me, I'm basically a king of a sunken island!!! When I meet people, I don't tell them about Kapono and Ahulani because people just stare at me with a blank, yet confused face and saying,
"Why don't you have a castle."
or, "Where's you're crown."
and the worst, "Prove it, where is your island.",
I tell them the whole story but they don't believe me. I'm starting to think they are hypnotized too because, once I said,
"There is Ahulani.",
their faces turned red and angry and they were muttering ancient Greek words under their breath. I managed to decipher their Greek and this is what they said this,
"Θα εκδικηθούμε για τον Καπόνο.",
which means "We will get revenge on Kapono."