By: Sophia Los
(Please note I make all these stories up)
I'm Storm, just a regular average wolf dog, at least I thought I was, here's my story. Suddenly every animal stopped short no matter what they were doing they stopped. They looked right into the sun and then as though it was a movie there was a stampede of all kinds of animals, the weird thing was that no animal got hurt it was like they were friends, enemies side by side not caring for the other. They all gathered on a giant stone platform it seemed like every animal in the world are there, no that's not right every animal in the world is there. But right now we are going to focus on a small black and white pup trailing behind his parents.
"Mom! Dad! What is this place?" the small pup barked out quietly seeming to be afraid.
"Don't worry honey! This is a meeting nothing big." his mom barked quietly back. He followed his parents up to a large rock in the center of the stone platform, each moment that passed more animal gathered on the large rock, no that wasn't right they are Lords, lords of all the animals here. A elderly eagle landed on the front of the rock facing all the animals.
"We are here for the awakening of the young." his voice boomed out "Lord children come to us, noble children go to that area, and commoners go there." Each class of animals filed into the areas my parents nudged me towards the front of the large rock that I would later know as the lord stone. I walked forward and stood in front of all the lords, I tried to be as calm as I could, but I am a bit nervous. "Please use the awakening stone in front of you," the elderly eagle prompted me. I hadn't noticed it, it looked just like a normal rock, but I still put my paw on it. I looked up at the eagle for instructions. "Have your parents taught you anything? channel the mana around you" he said exasperated. I just looked down at the rock and closed my eyes, I saw specks of light, they floated around me there was so many, it was just like the sky would look if we could see all the stars. There is blue, and green, and red, and yellow, every color imaginable is there and even more I couldn't imagine. What I didn't know then was that the rock turned clear when I saw the mana, and then it turned into every color i saw, it was a multicolored spectacle. Then those colors traveled through my fur, my white became blue, my black became even blacker, and it you ruffled my fur a bit beneath the blue and black there was colors so bright they could burn your eyes. everyone gasped as multicolored light spilled out from me. It dyed the sky all sorts of colors, my paws floated up above the ground, and a world spilled out of my mind, it was a universe there was chaos, and pain, but there was also happiness and light. All I felt was pain it hurt my mind felt like it might explode, and as quickly as it had appeared the light went away, and I fell down like all the strings holding my body had been cut, my body ached, my parents leapt over the crowd, my mother snatched me up and they disappeared into thin air. After that I was in a trance, gathering mana training, and becoming stronger, even when I was the strongest there ever was I didn't stop, because if I did then I would remember what I lost. I lost all chances of friends, people only wanted me for power, I was just a prize for my parents, just another thing to show off. Power isn't a gift it's a curse.