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Weekly Fantasy: Puppet King

By: Sophia Los

(Please note I make all these stories up)

But that was way in the past, Before the war, before their fathers death, and before one of them 'had' to take the throne. Now my brother is standing before me with his sword at my neck.

"Why are we doing this, this is a completely pointless war, we could have ruled together!" I scream at him already knowing his answer.

"It is what the people demanded. Only one can rule." He answers face blank, at this point he was just a mindless puppet controlled by the nobles.

"Why. Why is that how it has to be, why did this war have to happen. The people didn't want this, the nobles just want power." I almost whisper the last part, why did this war have to happen? Why did they have to choose my brother to make into a monster, they could have used the potion on me instead, then my brother would be free. Tears roll down my face as I look into my brothers face and in his eyes I see a little boy, just like the one I remember, banging at the glass that traps him, screaming at me. Then in a rare moment of kindness, he exiled me and I was to never come back, and as I left I shouted back at him with tears streaking down my face "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." His eyes flash and and tears roll down his face, and just like the people say the eyes are the door to the soul, you could see that he had broken out, the little boy. He was fighting with everything he had to take control, but it was all for nothing. In the end he was still a boy locked in his own mind, weak and helpless, the shadow locked him back inside and took back control. He was crowned king, but he was only a puppet just a shell of his former self, that could never compare to the real thing, and the nobles got anything they wanted. The only hope was to have a new king or queen, so the people waited for the next generation.

To Be Continued Next Week......


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