WARNING: All information shown is from a trained unlicensed professional. Take the advice we give at your own risk. We are not liable for any issues you may experience while reading these articles.
Side effects could include but are not limited to: shortness of intelligence, brain knowledge loss, word nausea, and constipation with added dry humor. Please do not hold The Iron Horse accountable for any side effects you may encounter from reading our articles. By continuing on our website, you are agreeing to not sue :). Please contact your local teachers if you are experiencing any issues while reading these articles.
Get to know your friend (or your best friend, enemy, sibling, stranger, etc.) better with this AMAZING game. It is absolutely unthought and random :)
How to set up: Get in a group of two to five people. Once you do, set yourselves into a straight line (or a circle, if you prefer), and provide yourselves a word (or two). This word has to be a materialized thing. Some examples are different foods, toys, or furniture.
How to play: Have one person reveal their word to the surrounding players. Everybody, including the person who chose the word, has to create one sentence, related to the person's chosen word, and then all the players pick another person to reveal their word. Everybody then creates two sentences, related to the person's chosen word. This same process goes on until everybody has revealed their word. At the end, every individual combines their sentences to create their story!
How do these stories help you get to know someone better?
Well, you know how people just ask you what you like. This, in a way, tells you how they would react to the thing you pick. Reactions are like visual therapy. If you have seen TV shows or have just heard of the method where therapists show their patients a picture and ask them the first thing that comes to mind, you would realize that this is sort of similar. Instead of pictures, it is a word. It gives you a little glimpse of how their mindset is set up.
Dr. Nisha (The Therapist): Did you like it? Try the game. It is not for sale. La la la. Music vibes right now, do you feel the music vibes? Not sure? Play this game. This is not an advertisement if you think it is. This is a great unplanned game. Are you in the no brains squad with me? I would like it if I had more group members. This is not a real group... Just enjoy this peace and quiet... *cricket chirping*