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7 ways to fill notebooks

If you're anything like me you go to the store and fall in love with a notebook, cover first, then look at the page design and just have to buy it. And years later you have a dark mass of empty, beautiful notebooks. You may be asking "Well how in the flaming heck do I use all of these notebooks now ?", or something like that... well I'll tell you how to use up (maybe???) all of the pages!

I'll put in a doc full of examples of each notebook filler, so you get an idea of them :)


1. Bullet Journal 🍄

I know that bullet journaling seems like you need special paper and a bunch of equipment to make it aesthetically pleasing, but that's not the case at all, bullet journaling can be used with all types of paper and supplies.

Tips~ If you do decide to use this option you can use little sections to organize the boju.

2. Sketching/ Doodling 🍁

I feel this one is a bit self-explanatory but you could use any notebook to express your

* a r t i s t i c * d e s i r e s * and if lined paper isn't your ideal sketch paper then you can do what i call a daily doodle! A daily doodle is just a quick doodle on your mood or even something more physical like breakfast or an activity you did, for example, maybe you had nutella™ and toast as a snack, you could quickly doodle down a nutella™ jar and a piece of toast!

Tips~ This isn't really a tip but making sketchbooks interactive was always fun for me!

3. Collage Journal 🐻

Collage journaling can be a more visual take on bullet journaling, it doesn't even have to have words! Its basically scrapbooking the main difference is that scrapbooks are mostly memorabilia and preserving your life in books cards or even boxes. You can collage about your mood or an aesthetic you've got into recently, maybe even a hobby!

Tips~ try mapping out what goes where in your notebook before you slap it down permanently

4. Dream Documents 🪴

Dream documenting is a way to look back at all of the dreams you had (maybe even nightmares, for the psychopaths out there, dw I gotchu.) I've used this and could probably make a movie out of each dream I've had, thanks to this I can also now connect dreams which is weird...

Tips~ you can express all of your innermost thoughts here too! but if you're gonna share your dreams please keep the ones that make people question your sanity to yourself :''D

5. Planner 🦥

Another self-explanatory one, again you can use any page type and decorate as much as you like!

Tips~ you can incorporate this option into every other option or the other way around

6. Thought Jot-Down 🐸

Have you ever had an idea you thought was revolutionary, but forgot it in a few minutes? The all-new Thought Jot or The Thought Jot- Down for long is a new but not really new way to remember such thoughts, its completely optional to use it of course but then again, what else are you going to use it for?

Tips~ Try and write down every thought you have, dont think that any of said thoughts are stupid you never know if that thought is gonna lead to another!

7. Lists 🦋

I dont know about you, but using and making lists for daily tasks just make my life a bit easier and more organized. Lists are really versatile and you could use them for your 70 missing assignments you have to do, to what you want to buy but don't have enough money to buy because you have $3.07 and are probably going to use it for dino nuggies 😔🤛.

Tips~ If you're a neat freak then you know better than to use a pen, same goes for literally everyone else.

~ Slideshow ~


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